birthday thoughts and revelations

Caca Marisa
3 min readMar 24, 2024


my birthday was just a blink away yesterday, and I was drowning in this tiring Credit Officer, Manual Competency Test. ugh!

NGL it's a manual

if I could describe how turning 22 is, hmm no idea, it might be like, too crowded if just ignored; too noisy if it just heard; too this-and-that if only imagined. so, let it all spill out here (if I have to).

there’s something seriously cool about just giving things a shot, you know? like, I can put all my hopes and dreams into something but gotta be chill if it doesn’t work out. it’s all about learning to roll with the punches. some days I’m like “bam! let’s conquer the world!” and other days it’s more like “ugh, please just let me get through this.” but hey, at least I’m trying, right?

I’m not aiming to be perfect, more like the best version of myself. that way, whatever awesome stuff I learn or create, I can share it with the people who matter most.

the no-nonsense but caring

so, yeah, I can be a bit straightforward sometimes, you know, gotta speak my mind when things ain’t right (totally judging you silently if you mess up, haha). maybe that makes me seem like a total ice queen, but trust me, I’m a softie deep down. truth is, I’m a total crybaby. anything can set me off — an old seller on the street corner, a food stall with nobody buying, even a random TikTok about kids outta school. tears, man, tears! seriously, who cries at TikToks? that’s why, especially since it’s Ramadan, I figure sharing the easy stuff is key. food, drinks, you name it. gotta remind me some things are meant to be passed around, ya know?

ib: TikTok

I’m a walking contradiction: brutally honest but a total softie. but hey, that’s just me!

on top of things with their planner

it’s INTJ thing, the mastermind, the overthinker.

I’m not one for drama with friends but trust me, I can be my own worst enemy! long-term plans, endless possibilities, the whole “what-if” game, and I get caught in a loop of analyzing every option (A, B, C, … you get the picture). even my friends get tired of it!

but hey, that’s changing. lately, I’ve been taking control of my day. It’s about setting a clear schedule— what I want to do, when, where, and even how much rest I need. still a work in progress, but I’m learning!



have a rush here & there

you might think someone who loves to learn and books would find being a mentor strange, right? well, guess what? I love sharing with others too!

this March, things got even more exciting! I jumped on the chance to become a mentor on a career platform – a whole new learning experience for me.

and can you believe it, I’m even trying my hand at becoming a Quran tutor! let’s be honest, part of it is definitely about learning patience for myself.

welp, 22 down, who knows what adventures await? one thing’s for sure, this next year is gonna be a blast! stay tuned for more ramblings from mine truly!



Caca Marisa

long story short, mine truly 💌